Tired of guru games and magic marketing formulas?

Maybe it’s time to become the guru you’ve been waiting for

Hey friend,

I want to address the BIG Elephant in the Room of purpose-driven entrepreneurs. How do you remain in integrity with your purpose whilst growing a business?

Did you miss last week’s 4-step roadmap for launching a soul-infused creative business? Tune into my 9-5 prison break story.

The proud sponsor of these letters is yours truly in Your Creative Corner.
Investing the most precious of resources known to man. Time.

In collaboration with these Creative Flow Inducing Tunes:


I read a post in MJ De Marco’s Unscripted Entrepreneurial Network Telegram Group yesterday and it hit a nerve. If you don’t know the man, he’s an influential figure in the entrepreneurial space and wrote extensively on this topic, authoring several books. Here’s the gist of the post:

“I subscribe to about 60-70 newsletters.

Most of them are offered by gurus and have devolved into a perpetual sales pitch for some high-priced coaching program.

Folks, don’t fall for the pitch. 🤦

Your success won’t be found in some overpriced coaching program peddled by a guru.

These gurus all share the same foundational spin: that there’s some magic formula, some silver bullet, some secret to success when all they are doing is a “perceived value hustle” and selling it to the gullible in some expensive coaching program.”

Let’s unpack this from the lens of starting or growing your purpose-led business, shall we?

First things first.

With the rise of social media as a new viable path for getting employed by the internet, we also saw the rise of scam artists and snake oil swindlers.

Written Word gatekeepers transitioned from “The 1-Book Middlemen” to “Media Moguls” and later to “Technology Totalitarians”.

And now finally, the barriers to entry crumbled away like the Roman Empire (or has it?).

You have at your fingertips:

  • Your Church

  • Your Printing Press

  • Your Social Media Empire

  • Your 24/7 Distribution Robots

YOU are primed to reclaim your role as THE MEDIUM.

Funny, because that was always the case.
The Ancients knew and lived this timeless truth.
You and I are only starting to remember it and break free from b(l)inding spells.

You already feel it in your guts.

Your heart is gently whispering and inviting you to silence the noise in your mind.

As you awaken from your slumber, how will you act on this knowing?

You are the Guru, and so is everyone else

MJ De Marco isn’t wrong.

I respect his views and life path.

He’s been a tremendous teacher on my journey.

And, I’m calling him out on his potentially unconscious shadow.

I don’t believe he intends to discourage you from building a coaching business and packaging your experience into a digital course to help guide others on a similar trajectory.

That would be against EVERYTHING he claims and teaches in all his writing.

I believe he intends to encourage you to stop buying into the hype and look for “that one thing” that’ll change everything. Because it won’t.

But do me a favor.
Check-in with how you feel after reading his post.

Do you feel like starting that newsletter, launching that service offer, or leveraging your expertise with a digital product?

How is your imposter syndrome treating you these days?

So how do I maintain integrity with myself?

Like any good guru, you make it about the disciple.

You remain true to yourself and committed to your path with unwavering determination to be of service to those you choose and profess to serve.

To stop obsessing with yourself.

To chop the head off your inflated ego.

Can’t help but laugh because the inflated ego is possibly a prerequisite to becoming an entrepreneur/guru.

So here’s a crazy idea.

Start focusing on where your audience is in their journey and meet them there.

This is the only difference between the scam artist and you, the artist-entrepreneur.

Guess what.

When you make it about the people you choose to serve, that’s what a business makes.

And as soon as you do that, a new door unlocks.

The Entrepreneurial Paradox

It’s not lost on me.
The paradox of my entire share.
The paradox of building a 1-person business.
The paradox of making it about those you serve when it’s really your path.
The paradox of no universal roadmap to building a life of your deepest desires.

And the path becomes so much easier and enjoyable once you embrace the inherent polarity of it all.

Dancing in the middle of the storm’s eye.

For all of this to actually be in integrity with where I’m at in my journey, I need to take this medicine myself.

My intention and commitment to the recent relaunch of this newsletter are as follows:

  • Share the deepest desires, full-blown fears, pin-prick pains, and stunning struggles on my journey of building a creator business in service to creators

  • Pull the curtains on this creative experiment and offer first-row seats to the entire process (strategies, technologies, mental and emotional states)

  • Empower you to adopt the experimenter mindset and prioritize action

  • Create a platform to highlight your visions, dreams, successes, and offers

  • To form a creator’s guild where we get to support each other on this journey

And, I’m under no illusion to think I can do all of it by myself. The 1-person business model is anything but.

Instead of assuming I know how I can be of service to you, I thought it would be much better to shut up and listen.

The invitation

If you’re committed to growing a purpose-driven and impact-focused creative business, I hereby invite you for a 1:1 connection call.

You’re actually doing me a favor so I’m offering a free strategy call on the back of it as a token of appreciation.

I’m opening up my calendar with 5 slots, drop me a note below and I’ll send you a scheduling link.

See you next weekend.

In Your Creative Corner,
Aleksander Brankov